

The Loan Fund makes mortgage loans and unsecured loans to Christian Reformed Churches.

Mortgage Loans

The Loan Fund makes mortgage loans in amounts up to $1,500,000 to Christian Reformed Churches for the purchase of facilities or land, the construction or remodeling of a facility, and, when funds are available, the refinancing of existing debt.

Any organized Christian Reformed Church in the United States that meets the Loan Fund’s underwriting criteria is eligible for these loans. The Loan Fund generally offers only variable rate loans. 

Download the policy statement for mortgage loans.

Unsecured Loans

The CRC Loan Fund makes unsecured loans for small improvement projects or repairs to existing church-owned property.

Unsecured loans are now also available to assist churches with unexpected relocation expenses when calling a pastor.

Eligible churches are:

Unsecured loans have a maximum term of ten years and a maximum loan amount of $100,000. Interest rates are variable based on the cost of funds to the Loan Fund. (Note: Rates are subject to change without notice.)

Download the policy statement for unsecured loans.